MARCH 29th -- Let's Talk About Sex

On this day in 1971, Conrad Van Emde Boas became West Europe’s first professor of sexology at Amsterdam University. Hard to imagine he was the first. Or that it took until 1971 to have an official professor of sexology. Where did people go to get their sex advice? No Dr. Drew. No Dr. Ruth. Did they just go talk their cousin Ralphie, who thought he was experienced in manners of the heart and groin? But Ralphie would probably give you advice like “just ignore her, nothing makes a woman want you more than ignoring her.” Or he’d tell that you’re only job in the bedroom was “to be present.” Or people just didn't get advice at all. Not that I don’t appreciate a perspective from a good cousin Ralphie, but you really can’t beat a 66 year-old professor of sex to get your sex advice. Something about an older person telling you what’s what. And they always use the clinical terms. They speak frankly. It’s a strange dynamic, but it puts you at ease. And sexologists have a bit more of a wide range of study than cousin Ralphie who once dated two girls at the same time. There are a lot of people in this world. And most of them have sex. And most of them do it in different ways. With the amount of variations these days you need a professor to navigate the sexy waters--acrophilia, belonephilia, choreophilia, dippoldism--you could make your way down the whole alphabet if you so chose. Point is some women like certain things. Some men like certain things. Nothing wrong with talking and learning about it.

Plus when I need life advice, I appreciate someone who has experience. Why shouldn’t that apply to sex as well? It’s not just a young person’s game you know. Odds are all the older people you know have had sex. Or else we would be in the midst of dying off as a species. Children of Men did not take place in a fun world. So cheers to Conrad Van Emde Boas. And sex. Keeps us around, you know?

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