MARCH 21st - Drugged-Up, Supersonically Ejected Bears

On this day in 1962, Yogi the bear--not that Yogi--became the first creature ejected at supersonic speed from a B-58. While this seems like the plot of a bad kiddie comedy starring Eddie Murphy after he decided to not be funny anymore or the hair-brained scheme of a circus owner who smoked way too much marijuana, it was actually determined that the female Yogi was the closest thing in weight to human pilot. So they doped her up and strapped her in before shooting her out at a speed faster than sound. She survived, but not without some injuries. I can hear the PETA protesters clamoring already. And I doubt it would ever fly these days. You can’t just go drugging up bears and shooting them out of planes. But hey it was the 60’s. Free Love and Swingers and all that. Protests wouldn’t have done much good anyway. You can't hear protests if you are traveling faster than sound. Of course, if you're bear, you probably wouldn't understand what they were saying anyhow.

This Day has been Marked.


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