JANUARY 24th - The Can Beer Saints

On this day in 1935, canned beer transitioned from the brilliance of idea to reality, when the Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company partnered with the American Can Company to roll out 2,000 cans of beer and cream ale. Look, I understand some people feel beer is better in bottles or mugs, but you know what else is great about beer. Beer. And cans are cheaper than glass. So when these brilliant bastards at Krueger and the American Can got together and decided to put beer in cans, what they were really doing is giving the gift of more beer. A glorious gift. Do you think bartenders are just naturally engaging people? Maybe. But the fact that they give you beer certainly doesn’t hurt matters. Cause you can’t argue with the gift of more beer. In fact, I’ve always wondered why there weren’t four wise men, with the fourth one bring sweet baby Jesus some suds. Or how in any movie/story that centers around a genie, no one asks for unlimited beer? Idiots. Krueger and American Can didn’t figure out how to give people unlimited beer, but just by putting that sweet, sweet liquid goodness into cans, they did figure how to give people more beer. Damn saints in my book. The lot of them.

This Day has been Marked.


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