January 23rd - Certainly Doesn't Hurt Matters

On this day in 1957, The Wham-O toy company created the 1st Frisbees. The humble origins of the Frisbee actually go back nearly 80 years prior to the Frisbie Pie Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut which opened in 1871. Kids would toss their empty pie tins to each other and yell Frisbie! Which seems like the right way to enjoy a Frisbee--after eating a pie first. Not that tossing around a Frisbee isn’t a good time for all. And these days people can do some pretty amazing things with a Frisbee. Trick shots. Long throws. There is Ultimate Frisbee. And Frisbee Golf. And it’s all great fun. But I give the Frisbee some extra kudos for its history. Knowing that it comes from pie origins doesn’t make the Frisbee any more or less fun to play with, but damn if I don’t respect the toy just a little more. It’s like falling in love with somebody and then finding out he/she is super rich. It wasn’t the reason you fell in love with that person, but it certainly doesn’t hurt matters. I’m not saying that the Frisbee became such a popular toy because it originated from pie, but I’m saying it’s like your unexpectedly rich significant other--certainly doesn’t hurt matters.

This Day has been Marked.


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