SEPTEMBER 13th - Life is Timing. Timing is Luck.

On this day in 2004, Oprah Winfrey had her iconic “You get a car” show. Almost 300 cars she gave away. One of the cooler things anyone has ever done on television, and certainly one of the best days for those nearly 300 people who were lucky enough to be in Oprah’s audience that day. But I always wonder how the people who were at Oprah’s show on the 12th felt. How bad does that suck? I’m sure she gave them something pretty cool (though nobody seems to remember what). But then the next day everyone gets a Pontiac G6? It’s like that prank where you’re in line at the grocery store and someone asks to cut in front of you, and you oblige, and then he is the 1,000,000th customer and wins all kinds of cool stuff. Shows that life is all about timing. And sometimes timing is all about luck. You could be one of the lucky 276 who got a nice, new Pontiac. Or you could one of those who got whatever people got on September 12th. So as Baz Luhrmann says in “Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen” based on Mary Schmich’s fake commencement speech--”Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else’s.”

Woulda been pretty cool to see Oprah point at you and yell, “And you get a car,” though.


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