JULY 12th - Disco Sucks and People are Stupid

On this day in 1979, baseball killed disco. You wouldn’t normally associate sports with musical trends, but this day was a convergence of multiple opportunities which turned a silly promotion into a free fall death knell for disco music. It was the Disco Demolition. A simple idea. Bring your disco records to Comisky to get a cheap ticket, and they’d blow up your crappy disco records. They didn’t really think it was going to be that big a deal. And I get it. Cause people had to buy those records at some point, right? They liked the music at some point. It made them happy. I’m not particularly proud of the PM Dawn (who remembers them?) CD I bought back in grammar school, but I never felt the need to blow it up. Hey, “I’d Die Without You” was a jam. But people underestimated the hatred that disco can ignite. Which I can also understand. I’m glad we got Bee Gees, and I guess Travolta was okay before he went Clear with Scientology, but other than that...not much. Still, what happened at Disco Demolition seemed a bit much. Kind of awesome. Unless you hold the sanctity of baseball in tremendous esteem. But a bit much. Like that friend who takes the joke a bit too far. Like when everybody is messing with your boy and car-checking him into parked cars and Push-It-Too-Far Paulie tries to shove him into a moving Greyhound. Too Far, Push-It-Too-Far Paulie, too far. At the end of the day (yay for sports clichés), no one was hurt and disco died. Not a bad day. Except for the White Sox, who had to forfeit the game because disco sucks and people are stupid. Life Lessons.

This Day has been Marked.


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