MAY 17th - They Might be Singing About Sex

On this day in 1965, the FBI Lab declared that the lyrics of The Kingsmen’s “Louie, Louie” were unintelligible. Thank Heavens the FBI was there to weigh in on such all-important topics as whether or not The Kingsmen were trying to slip a few naughty words and suggestive images into the lyrics. Forget about the Civil Rights Movement and race relations; they might be singing about sex! Nevermind that nobody can understand what the hell they are saying, and nevermind that kids always find a way to get their hands on naughty stuff. They might be singing about sex! It’s part of being a kid. Kids are inquisitive. They like to test rules. So kids will always get their hands on albums with curse words or suggestive lyrics. And I realize we are a country founded by Puritans, but our lack of openness about sex and sexuality has created a colossal porn industry. Why we have placed so much shame and humiliation on a natural act is beyond me. (Putting my soapbox away now.) But they might be singing about sex! Nevermind that about 50% of songs are about sex (not counting country songs about drinking and trucks). You can trust that stat--I've listened to a lot of music. Have you ever actually listened to the Kingsmen’s “Louie, Louie?” I can make out “Louie, Louie,” a few “yeah, yeah, yeahs,” a "oh no" and a “we gotta go.” Other than that the ancient secret of alchemy might be in those lyrics. The prediction of the end of the world could be in those lyrics. A definitive answer to the Liar’s Paradox. Specific instructions for how to make an unbelievably good grilled cheese. Doesn’t matter, because as the FBI found out, you can’t freaking understand them. And I’m pretty sure two years and a FBI Investigation weren’t needed to determine that.

This Day has been Marked.


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