APRIL 5th - Sam Gets Married, Dies, and That is Probably What he Would've Wanted


On this day in 1992, Sam Kinison married for the third and final time. This time to Malika Souiri, a dancer he started seeing toward the end of his second marriage. For someone who spent much of professional life railing against the merits of marriage (quite humorously), Kinison certainly gave the institution numerous chances. Of course Kinison was a complicated dude. The transition from a preacher to a foul-mouthed comic isn’t one you hear of everyday. He got heavily involved with drugs and alcohol. He had some pretty ignorant and intolerant views towards women and homosexuals--though I get the feeling that time would have informed and softened them. But damn if he wasn’t a funny fucker. And if you are going to be crude and obnoxious the only way anyone will like you is if you are funny. Kinison was one of the first comics who made me completely lose it. He was crude. He was loud. But he was funny. His starving-children-in-Africa bit is still some of the funniest few minutes of stand up ever recorded. It was his delivery. That unexpected screaming, in-your-face style. And as I stated, marriage was one of his favorite topics. His insights were pretty stereotypically male--marriage will destroy your manhood and ruin your life--that whole schtick. So it is surprising he was willing to give it a third go. But the marriage only lasted five days. Kinison died in a car crash on April 10th. So either God has a wicked sense of humor, or He was just answering Kinison’s prayers.

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