March 7th - Bad Sense of Humor

On this day in 1994, The American Comedy Awards were held and broadcast by ABC. I’m not opposed to comedians having their own awards. Even though I believe awards for subjective things like art, movies, and music are inevitably hogwash. Though for some reason doesn’t humor seem less subjective than those others? I realize it’s not. Some things that I find funny are just offensive or mean or disgusting to others. I happen to think that those others have a bad sense of humor, but tomato, tomato. In any case, it’s not easy being funny. There is a great deal of thought and wit involved. Or getting hit in the nuts. So I don’t begrudge the awards. But the quickest way to crumble your awards show is to give out awards to suspect recipients. While I don’t exactly remember what was going on in the stand-up scene in 1994, it’s hard to imagine that Carrot Top was the belle of that ball. But then, maybe I just have a bad sense of humor.

This Day has been Marked.


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