JANUARY 3rd - Who Doesn't Want a Little More Depardieu

On this day in 2013, Gerard Depardieu became a Russian citizen because he was pissed (video pun) off about the high taxes in France. You may know Gerard from such cinematic classics as My Father the Hero where his teenage daughter (Katherine Heigl) pretends he is her boyfriend to impress an older guy. Um. Eww. Or Bogus where he plays a boy’s imaginary friend. Or perhaps you just know him as the burly French guy with giant bulbous nose. But he’s a pretty serious French actor. He was excellent in The Count of Monte Cristo miniseries. He’s played Cyrano--I believe they used a prosthetic nose anyway. In any case, he peaced out and became Russian. Taxes can be a pain, so I can’t really blame him. I understand that they are necessary and certain amenities and services need to be paid for, but damn if it doesn’t chap your ass a little when you see all that money going to not you. So I get it. And I’m sure he’s not the only French guy to become Russian. But it does seem an odd switch. I’m willing to bet Napoleon wasn’t too keen on making the switch when he was freezing his gonads off trying to conquer the frozen place. He was probably more like, “Get me the F outta here.” Sometimes odd switches work out just fine though. It certainly will for Russia. Who doesn’t want a little more G-Dep in their lives? Hopefully, it will for Depardieu too. It takes balls to make a switch like that. Balls, Vladimir Putin, and big bulbous nose. Of course we are talking about a man who nonchalantly pees on planes. Stay you, G-Dep.

This Day has been Marked.


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