DECEMBER 28th - Give it Time

As football season begins to wind down, we travel back to 1969 when the Dallas Cowboys got shellacked by the Cleveland Browns. Nothing extremely noteworthy there, except for what happened to Dallas’s poor Kicker Mike Clark on the last kickoff of the game. He whiffed on the onside kick. As in he completely missed the ball. Pretty much the equivalent of forgetting every word of the orientation speech you are giving to new employees. It’s not all that important. You won’t lose your job over it. But there will be ridicule. All the new guys will probably call you Forgetful Frank. Even if your name is Tom. Because alliteration works better. I’m guessing that Mike Clark had to put up with a little of that. It’s not like the kick would have mattered. 38-14. But missing the ball is pretty embarrassing. Like getting pants in front of the hottest girl in high school. You probably didn’t have a shot anyway, but when she saw your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tighty-whities and the other kids started mocking that it looked like you knew The Secret of the Ooze, you knew any shot you had of landing Tina Thompson (alliteration!) was out the window. But life goes on. People forget things. Someone new does something stupid everyday. And the 24 hour news-cycle will be on to the next thing. So whether you miss the ball on an onside kick, or forget your speech, or get pants in front of an attractive girl, don’t fret too much. Give it time and somebody will do something stupider, leaving the only people remembering your mishap smartass history nerds with a blog.

This Day has been Marked.


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