NOVEMBER 23rd - To Feel Like Freddie

On this day in 1991, Freddie Mercury announced that he was suffering from AIDS. He died the next day. AIDS is an awful disease, and I’m glad that modern medicine has found a way to control it and keep those infected with HIV from worsening into AIDS (though the cynical-conspiracy-theorist part of me thinks there is probably a cure that big medicine is refusing to divulge). Charlie Sheen will be able to make crappy TV shows for many years to come. Magic Johnson looks healthier now than when he was playing. And good for them. But I do wish the advances had been made early enough to save Freddie. Has there ever been a more fun lead singer than Freddie Mercury? Jim Morrison had that otherworldly, cool druggie vibe, but the word fun doesn’t come to mind. Bono is a bit too pretentious. Plant was too serious. Cobain to ill-at-ease with the whole thing. Jagger always seems to be having a good time (he would have to considering how old is and still doing it). Dave Grohl would be my contemporary pick, as he seems to really enjoy what he does. But not like Freddie. There have been countless other talented lead singers from Tyler to Lennon and McCartney. But none of them quite compare to the unbridled joy that Freddie seemed to get when performing. I don’t think many people get to experience that. Watch Live Aid. Had all of Wembley eating out the palm of his hand. He just basked in it. Not to mention that his voice was absolutely ridiculous, belting these epic anthems that never crossed into the realm of cheesiness. Freddie Mercury was the man. He’s certainly not the only rocker to be gone too soon, but I can’t think of any who thrived off a crowd more or had more fun performing music. I hope to have just a tenth of that feeling at some point of my life. I hope you do as well. May we all get to feel like Freddie, if only for a moment, and be Champions of the World.

This Day has been Marked.


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