NOVEMBER 16th - Twinkies Survive

On this day in 2012, Hostess began its liquidation process. The maker of Twinkies, Ho Hos, and Ding Dongs was going under. No more golden sugary goodness with a creamy center made of God knows what. Plus a whole bunch of bakers and drivers lost their jobs. People were sad. Cause I mean Twinkies are iconic. Or people just like their junk food. And America does like its junk food. But the rumors of the Twinkies’ demise were greatly exaggerated. Let’s face it, Twinkies don’t perish. You know what a month old Twinkie looks like? A day old Twinkie. Those things are space-age, man. I’m pretty sure they were sent back in time from some advanced civilization that found a way to preserve food forever. Twinkies are indestructible. If Twinkies had kidnapped Liam Neeson’s daughter in Taken they would have gotten away with it. The ‘72 played a scrimmage against Twinkies and they lost. Despite the fact that Twinkies have no appendages or brain functionality. It wasn’t actually Holly Holm who knocked out Ronda Rousey. It was a Twinkie. Chuck Norris once fought a Twinkie. And that fight ended with the two staring at each with mutual respect and admiration. You think about that. Twinkies don’t perish. They don’t age or mold. Twinkies survive. So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Twinkies and Hostess were saved by $410 million partnership and are now valued at around 2.5 billion dollars. You can’t hold a Twinkie down.

This Day has been Marked.


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