OCTOBER 19th - When DeLorean Needed a Time-Machine

On this day in 1982, John Z. DeLorean was arrested after he was caught with cocaine. A lot of cocaine. 55 lbs of cocaine. 24 million dollars worth of cocaine. Great Scott! That’s a lot. Though he was later acquitted, one has to imagine that Johnny Z. might have wished that the DMC-12 actually possessed the ability to disrupt the space-time continuum once hitting 88 mph and undergo temporal displacement to either a. not buy 55 lbs of cocaine or b. not get caught with it. That is assuming that DeLorean watched the classic that is Back to the Future. He was in deep financial trouble by 1985, hence the 24 million dollar drug deal. That really is a lot of cocaine. Odds are that DeLorean had some other things on his mind rather than seeing the kid from Family Ties drive his car into “good ole 1955.” The sports almanac from BttF II was what he really needed. With that little knick-knack he could have forgotten all about the drugs and just gambled his way back into automotive relevance. Unfortunately fiction does not have the power to manifest itself into reality. If it did, and the Back to the Future series was taken as gospel, then the Cubbies would be feeling a lot better right now.

This Day has been Marked.


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