JUNE 14th - Fake Fallout

On this day in 1954, America held a nationwide civil defense drill in which there was a mock nuclear attack. It was estimated that over 12 million Americans would have died if this mock nuclear attack by air and sea had been the real thing, yet because the government has the ability to spin anything, they called the drill a success. Or maybe our government just had a wonderful case of the glass-half-fulls. America’s population in 1954 was approximately 163 million, meaning that 151 million people survived the fake nuclear holocaust. I mean that is certainly better than vice-versa. Though I do wonder exactly how scientific these estimates were. As Lewis Black noted, drills preparing for nuclear fallout consisted of children hiding under their desks. And while I’m by no means a fallout expert, I don’t think that wooden desks in the 50’s had secret nuclear-fallout preventing abilities. At least the government was trying though. That’s what America is all about, right? Trying. Giving it your best shot and whatnot. That and obesity.

This day has been Marked.


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