The Final Countdown

This is my last week of full-time posts. I started this little project on May 16th, 2014, and for the most part have managed to keep up with it. Friday will be my 252nd post meaning I still have 113 days to Mark (due to skipping weekends, holidays, and some miscellaneous days mostly due to LSU sports--not too bad, if I do say so myself). So will still have some traditional “on this day” updates with the same random pop-culture references and meandering life-advice that I should probably learn to follow myself. But do you think Dear Abby followed all of her advice? Do as I say, not as I do. Anywho, I’m in the process of coming up with some ideas of how to continue Marking the Day. I think the days of daily posts are probably behind me for a while, but I would like to come up with something to continue posting on the site. If you have any ideas please comment below.

I’ve learned a lot of information over the last year, from when cheese first became commercially processed to the roots of the friendship between Shirley Temple and J. Edgar Hoover. So if they ever bring back Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and you find yourself being asked a question about some obscure historical happening you’re not quite sure of, give me a ring-a-ding.

Thanks to all those who have helped over the course of the year. Some people helped with the site name or event suggestions or sharing posts or spreading the word. From comments in real life, to a like on FB or just a page view, I loved hearing or seeing all of them more than you know. They often kept me writing.

So thanks again, friends. And remember if you have any ideas, or simply want to stroke my writer's ego with a "good job,"--let ‘em rip. If you’re happy this is over and are glad I won’t be clogging your newsfeed with my ramblings any more, well, if you could simply keep your negativity hidden from me, that’d be swell. Just talk trash behind my back. I'll never know the difference.

To the Final Countdown:

Regular Marking to follow.


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