MAY 25th - Taking it With You

On this day in 1994, George Swanson disproved that old cliché about not being able to take it with you. You see, old George liked his 1984 white Corvette. Like really liked it. Liked it so much in fact, that he set it up so that he would be buried in that little white Corvette. And on this day in 1994, after buying 12 burial plots, dying, being cremated, and some haggling with the funeral home in Hempfield County, Pennsylvania, George’s ashes were placed in his beloved vehicle to transport him off this mortal coil and into that big highway in the sky. Assuming he was a good and righteous man. And how could he not be? The dude was buried in a Corvette. Can’t take it with you, they say? George Swanson scoffs at your clichés and scoffs at your raised eyebrows. The dude liked his car. So he got buried in it. I’m not going to get into the metaphysics of whether he should have had the car burned and been buried next those ashes. That certainly would have been more spatially economical, but I don’t know how the laws of the afterlife work. Maybe a man who was cremated can still drive a car that was not. The main point is George should be commended for finding a way to stay close to something that was dear to him. Conventional society would have you believe that something should the memories of the love and joy he received from the people who were closest to him. But sometimes what’s dear to you is a bad ass car. George had the balls to be buried in his. And while he may not have needed a Corvette in the afterlife, balls (metaphorical balls, Ladies) always come in handy.

This day has been Marked.


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