APRIL 3rd - What a Cowinky-Dink!

On this day last year, David Letterman announced his pending retirement from his late show duties on CBS, saying he would hang it up sometime in 2015. Oddly enough, he announced this on the same day that NBC announced plans to move on from Jay Leno just a year earlier. I wonder if that was on purpose? I’m not insinuating anything, I just found it a little strange that it happened on the same date. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. But it seemed more like one of those things that you would say was a coincidence when it was really a highly strategic and planned move. Like when you “coincidentally” bump into your crush at the coffee shop after seeing an updated status appear on your Facebook Newsfeed announcing something to the effect of “Hey People of the Interwebs, I am at Such and Such Coffee Shop working on This Really Important Thing because I am a person of High Character and Tremendous Work Ethic.” Or, you know, that he/she wants a coffee. Anywho, you play it off all nonchalant like, because saying “I’m here because I’m a slightly creepy Facebook stalker, and I plan on wooing you with all the information I just google-crammed into my brain about your favorite book, which I also learned from your Facebook profile. I like your new profile pic by the way” just doesn’t have the same charming ring that, “Isn’t this a nice surprise?” does. I’m certainly not equating Dave to a lovesick Facebook stalker, I’m just pointing out that he may have been pointing out to his old pal Jay just how differently the end of their careers went. Jay was forced out once, then brought back in the Conan debacle. And then he was forced out again. Dave just laughed and told some jokes about the whole thing and then went out on his terms. So that April 3rd date might have been a wink to Jay saying, “Hey, Big Chin, I know you got Johnny’s show and consistently beat me in the ratings, but I’m going out on my own damn terms. How ya like dem apples?” Or maybe he just felt a Wednesday was the right day for announcing one’s retirement. Either way, Dave didn’t want to seem bitter any more than you want to seem like a creep for stalking your crush. So stick with the coincidence shtick. People don’t need to know every little thing. You know?

This day has been Marked.


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