APRIL 2nd - Playing Ball Like a Girl

On this day in 1931, Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in an exhibition game. While there were some reports that this may have been more publicity stunt than pure competition, and possibly even a late April Fool’s joke, it is still a hell of an accomplishment. You’re talking about two of the best hitters in the history of baseball getting mowed down by a 17-year-old girl. That’s right. 17. However, I am concerned at how this colors two of my favorite baseball movies. The first being The Natural. A young Roy Hobbs strikes out the Babe in an impromptu challenge outside a country fair. And you’re all like whoa! But that pales in comparison to 17-year-old Jackie striking out Ruth. And then doing it to Lou. On an actual baseball diamond. The second movie being the seminal classic The Sandlot, specifically the scene in which Ham Porter insults the little rich dick leader of the little rich dick little league team that he “plays ball like a girl.” Now, the political incorrectness of the comment aside, if the little rich dick leader of the little rich dick little league team knew anything about Jackie Mitchell he could have thrown the comment back in Hambone’s freckled face. Because ol’ Jackie Mitchell puts a little different spin on that comment, doesn’t she? Of course, nowadays the insult doesn’t have any bite anyway. I wouldn’t want to stand in a batter’s box and let Jennie Finch zip balls past my head. Though perhaps it is still seen as derogatory at that prepubescent age, before little boys realize that A. females have breasts and B. they are mind-ninjas who can obliterate or lift up with super silky skill. But that is another post. In this one, it is just really cool to learn that a 17-year-old girl could make Babe and Lou a couple of whiffers. It makes me feel a tad better about the times I've struck out with a girl. But more importantly, some serious girl power right there.

This day has been Marked.


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