APRIL 23rd - Poke Me. That is a lot of Dollars


On this day last year, Facebook announced it’s 1st Quarter Results for 2014. Revenue for the company was 2.5 billion dollars. Profit was 624 million dollars. Poke me! That is a lot of dollars. Like personal-ball-washer dollars. But aside from being able to spend money on such frivolities, it amazes me how pervasive Facebook has become in our society. I remember creating a profile months after it had started. I was a sophomore in college and thought the whole thing was pretty silly. Online profile? Virtual friends? Poke? But you never know what is going to hit and stick. Look at the snuggie. But now Facebook is bigger than leg warmers were in the 80’s. Bigger than The Beatles in the 60’s or Vanilla Ice was for that year in the 90’s. Bigger than Scrooge McDuck’s bank vault or Shaquille O’ Neal’s shoes. So it’s pretty big. Poke. Though the physical comparisons are probably off base because Facebook is virtually big, not physically big. If Facebook were a character in Nintendo’s Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out it would be more Little Mac than King Hippo; though, it would probably be Mike Tyson what with his name being on the game and all. I’m sure their campus or office or whatever they call it is sufficiently imposing, but they are mainly a virtual company. They deal in virtual space on the interwebs and buy other virtual companies to expand their virtual empire. Poke. Virtual, physical, real, imagined. $624 million makes it all pretty insignificant. That is a lot of dollars. And not virtual dollars. Poke.

This day has been Marked.


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