APRIL 21st - Ancient Comic Books

On this day in 753 B.C. Rome was founded. At least according to legend. You should notice that I didn’t say it was built on this day, because Rome wasn’t built in a day. It probably wasn’t built in two days either. I’m guessing there is a good chance that Romulus and Remus weren’t actually suckled by a she-wolf either. But hey, print the legend, right? It does makes me wonder about the documents that actually survived from ancient times. I mean think about this little hypothetical situation from the future. Let’s say our current civilization bites it in the future. Global warming, zombie apocalypse, sharknadoes. Whatever. We’re all wiped out and plummeted into another dark age that lasts a thousand years or so. Until some kid in 4534 discovers a huge find. iPhones were long destroyed. Facebook and the interwebs no more. But a stack of Superman comic books are discovered. Scholars start to study, linguistics experts are consulted, philosophers theorize. And pretty soon future human race is convinced that people back in the day believed that some alien named Kal-El was sent to earth by his father, made superhuman by the sun’s yellow rays, and disguised himself from the entire population by wearing glasses. See where I’m going? Maybe ancient mythology and legend were really just ancient comic books perpetuated in popularity by ancient comic book nerds. True, they didn’t have the scientific and technological knowledge we do know, so it is understandable to think that there would be a goddess who flew across the sky every morning announcing the arrival of the sun. But they’re were some smart people around too. Maybe we just didn’t find those books. And it is important to find the right books.

This day has been Marked.


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