APRIL 17th - Hobbies Keep You Sharp

This day in 1983 marked the start of the 1st National Coin Week in the United States. Ronald Reagan set aside the third week in April as an exciting time for all numismatists. I’m sure there are some out there. I’ve never met any, but I’m not sure how secretive numismatists are. They might keep that little hobby close to the vest. I really only thought they existed in order to separate the wheat from the chaff of middle school vocabulary warriors. If you think about it though, it’s not a bad hobby to have. Collecting money. We are all numismatists in that sense. It makes more sense than say, deltiology--the collecting of postcards. But that would probably be pretty fun assuming you travelled to different places to get the postcards. I don’t really get philately--stamps, but that’s because snail-mail annoys me. It's called email, people. No stamps needed. Funambulism is still tops for me. But then that’s not really a hobby. It’s a calling. You can’t just take up walking the tightrope in your spare time. And then of course there are all kinds of hobbies that don’t get fancy names. Like all those idiots who collected beanie babies. There’s no National Beanie Baby Week, is there? There probably is, but I doubt it was mandated by the President. We all need hobbies though. Besides binge-watching Netflix. Keeps you sharp. And if your hobby allows you to stumble upon a 1913 Buffalo Nickel that's worth a solid $30, all the better. Get you some, numismatists.

This day has been Marked.


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