APRIL 16th - The Accidental Magic Carpet Ride


On this day in 1943, Albert Hoffman accidentally ingested the pharmaceutical compound he was working on for medical purposes. Normally not a big deal, right? Except this compound happened to be LSD. So Dr. Hoffman had to take a little break and head home because, you know, he was tripping balls. He explained in his journal that he hallucinated and saw some crazy, colorful stuff. Then, of course, he took it again to make sure that it was the LSD that caused all the wacky stuff, and he wasn’t just losing his mind. And that was the beginning of LSD. Then 1960’s happened. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Jerry Garcia and probably a buttload of regular people who weren’t famous but just wanted to “expand their mind, man” began singing the praises of LSD. A whole bunch of people took a bunch of LSD and were all about Free Love and questioning the establishment. I’m not sure that Dr. Hoffman wanted his legacy to be the guy who accidentally discovered how to make Alice in Wonderland come to life --for reals. But, hey man. Counterculture was a thing, and there were some great strides made in 60’s, and mind-altering drugs may have had a little to do with that. Because of one accidental magic carpet ride by a scientist in Switzerland. But as long as people avoided sharp objects and the molten lava that the carpet became and the occasional negative side effect like frying your brain, man--tripping was just like eating too many Skittles at one time. Probably not. But Skittles are colorful too. Colors man. Colors.

This day has been Marked.


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