APRIL 15th - Teleporting Theoretical Cats

April 15th has not been a historically happy day. The Titanic sunk on this day. Lincoln died. And just two years ago was the bombing of the Boston Marathon. But this day in 2011 shone bright like a diamond of glorious hope. Japanese and Australians scientists performed a Schrödinger's Cat experiment and were able to successfully theoretically teleport using light on the “cat.” I’m not going to bombard you with scientific jargon and explanations of what Schrodinger’s Cat experiment is, or how these scientists theoretically completed it. Mainly because it would make my head hurt, but more-so because I’m totally pumped that teleportation, even if only theoretically, has been proven. Do you realize how awesome teleportation would be? It made me like the movie Jumper, and that had the kid who almost ruined Darth Vader in it. But being able to just boom--teleport? Tubular. Think about it this way. You are in your bed late one night and realize that your tummy isn’t quite full. You want a little late-night snack. Some ice cream perhaps. But you don’t have any in the freezer and the only place open is way across time. Boom. Teleport. Mint Chocolate Chip in your hand my friend. There are probably some more important applications too. So yes, April 15th has been a bit of a downer. But setting up the theoretical building blocks of teleportation? That’s rainbows and sunshine, my friend. Rainbows and Sunshine.

Of course if you want to get all serious and solemn about souls and death and all that you can think about what this guy says:

This day has been Marked.


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