MARCH 6th - Now I Have a Headache

FYI--Video Clip is a tad on the gross side, but that's Trainspotting for you:

On this day in 1899, Friedrich Bayer & Co received a patent for Aspirin from the patent office in Berlin based off modifications made by employee Felix Hoffmann in 1897. So thank you Germans, on behalf of my hangovers. However, I am a little nervous because Hoffmann was also the first chemist to stabilize Heroin. Seems like an interesting two drugs to be working on. It would be completely fine to be taking aspirin while trying to figure out how to stabilize Heroin, but vice-versa wouldn’t work out too well. At least I wouldn’t think so. I’m actually hoping Hoffmann wasn’t working on the two drugs at the same time, or that at the very least he was able to keep them straight. Whatever the case it seems to have worked out just fine. Or a lot people have been medicating headaches with portions of Heroin. You’d think that the side effects would notify us of that. I mean Ewan McGregor didn’t go swimming in the Worst Toilet in Scotland because of aspirin, now did he? I have a headache.

This day has been Marked.


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