MARCH 24th -- Opinions are Like Pinkie Toes

On this day in 1996, Showgirls and star Elizabeth Berkley were the big winners at the 16th Annual Golden Raspberry Awards. Now, I may or may not have seen this so-called Showgirls flick, and if I have, I would argue that perhaps it is a misunderstood masterpiece. It’s one part camp, two parts horrible gyrating, and three parts nudity. What about that deserves a Razzie? And how can you say that Jessie Spano is a bad actress? Sure she got a little excited at some points of the movie that I may or may not have seen. Some might say so excited. So excited. But you can’t fault a girl for getting excited. Of course there is the opposite viewpoint that the movie is a steaming pile of horse manure, and pretty much killed any hopes Elizabeth had of a celebrated movie career. I do have to say that I’m sort of happy that Golden Raspberry Awards exist. Not because I like seeing art torn down. I don’t. But the amount of pompousness that gets shoveled out by critics at things like the Oscars makes me feel like a ying to the yang is necessary. Or yang to the ying. It’s all subjective. And it’s not like Showgirls was made as an arthouse flick. I’m not really sure why it was made. To show the travails of dancing ladies just trying to make it in Vegas I suppose. It probably started out as a documentary. But it was made. And some people thought it was really bad. But what does that matter. Some people though Joe Dirt was bad. Opinions, as they say, are like pinkie toes. You can have two of them, but they are pretty much useless without proper support. I think they say that. Maybe not. Perhaps I just got too excited.

This day has been Marked.


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