MARCH 23rd - Maybe I'm Not So Shallow

On this day in 1985, the Piano Man found his Uptown Girl. Billy Joel, a short, Jewish singer from the Bronx, married Christie Brinkley, an ageless wonder of beauty that had the goods to tempt Clark Griswold in National Lampoon’s Vacation. This marriage proved a couple of things. One--Women dig musicians. If you can write a great song (and Billy Joel can write a great song) about a girl, or play an instrument at redonkulous skill level, women will dig you. Just watch Rock Star. Or look at Adam Levine's life. Two--it really doesn’t matter what you look like. Take Mick Jagger. I wouldn’t necessarily call him ugly, but I don’t think anyone would confuse him with Adonis or Brad Pitt. He does have the moves, but he’s not getting the cover of People for the most beautiful people, people. All of this most likely proves that women are not as shallow as men, and are attracted to talent and skill more than outward appearance. Of course it may also prove that men are shallow, as you don’t often find a musician with a woman who isn’t breathtakingly beautiful. But then if the woman is attracted to something inward--talent, voice, soul--then that musician shouldn’t be looked at as shallow, should he? A conundrum, yes? Whatever the case, the dynamic happened many times before Billy and Christie and many times after. It is a very interesting dynamic. Yet, honestly I am more interested in how Christie Brinkley looks like she does at 61 years old. Because I am shallow. Although, if you reread some of the posts on here, maybe I’m not so shallow. I mean a person has to dig pretty deep to realize the untapped potential greatness of the albino midget. Right?

This day has been Marked.


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