MARCH 18th - No Hype. Just Back.

On this day in 1995, Michael Jordan returned to basketball and the Chicago Bulls with a short press release that merely stated, “I’m back.” There was no press conference, no ESPN special, no buildup. Just two words. The greatest basketball player ever had been playing baseball, and then suddenly he wasn’t. He was back with the Bulls for a mini-stretch of games that served as a tuneup for his second three-peat that would start the next season. I’m not denouncing modern technology or the landscape of the 24hr news cycle that pervades our culture. It just seems like everything nowadays is overhyped and hyperbolized to the point of insanity. Every little thing is picked apart and the drama is played up. It’s not like Jordan didn’t have a flair for dramatic publicity. But the way he did things was just so--cool. Switching from 45 to 23 in the middle of the playoff series? And putting up 38 points in that game? Jordan was cool. Space Jam. The shoes. The tongue. Jordan had swag, before the word existed. Just a simple, “I’m back.” And then he was. It took him a little while to get back to being MJ, but when he did, the rest of the league felt it. How many basketball legends did Jordan keep from winning rings? Malone. Stockton. Barkley. Ewing. Miller. Who knows if Hakeem would have his two rings if MJ wasn’t off trying to hit curve balls. And he did it all while being cool. Not to say that he was perfect, or even a great guy. Who knows what would have been dug up had Jordan played in today’s climate. He liked to gamble. He was hypercompetitive. Possibly an egomaniac. Look at his Hall of Fame induction speech, in which he recounted every slight that drove him over the course of his basketball career. But he had a lethal combination. He was great at basketball. And he was cool. And on this day, he was back. No hype. Just back.

This day has been Marked.


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