FEBRUARY 3rd - Cheese. More Available.

On this day in 1815, the first commercial cheese factory opened in Switzerland. As with any mass-marketed product, some of the subtleties of specific cheeses may have been forgotten, but on the plus side cheese became more readily available. Even if some of it had holes in it. Wink, wink. Cheese. More available. I’m not sure three words have ever made me happier. Possibly substituting 'beer' for cheese. Or if I wanted to get really greedy substituting the words ‘Albino Midget Found’ would release those happy endorphins that make you go all stupid happy. You know like if you’ve just eaten the most delicious meal you’ve ever had and then the most beautiful woman in the world comes up to you and informs you of a date you have that night after you’re done meeting with your idol. (For giggles let’s go with Crawfish Etouffee, Minka Kelly, and Pat Conroy). That’s stupid happy. I’m not saying cheese makes me stupid happy, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. Because I'm also not saying that cheese makes everything better, but then again I'm not saying that cheese doesn't make everything better. Catch my drift? True, I am by no means a cheese snob. I think the cheese that spreads out of a can is delicious. And fun. You can write with canned cheese. And just because cheese can be made in a factory doesn’t mean it can’t also be made the old-fashioned way. Best of both worlds. People all over the world can get their cheese, and the cheese snobs can seek out the speciality cheeses. And that just might make some people stupid happy.

This day has been Marked.


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