FEBRUARY 2nd - Sometimes the Dancing Cannot be Stopped

On this day in 1926, 3 men danced the Charleston for 22 hrs. I don’t know much about the rules of the Charleston, as it mostly seems to me to be a bunch of leg kicking and arm swinging. It seems like a fun enough dance. I enjoy kicking my legs and swinging my arms as much as the next grown man who likes to pretend he’s still 7 years old from to time to time. Sometimes I even spin around until I get dizzy. They did ask me to stop doing that in the library. Apparently it was distracting the readers. They were all on their phones anyway. But doing anything for 22hrs seems fairly difficult to me. They only needed 2 more hours to get an even 24hrs though, so I’m a bit disappointed in these unnamed dancers. Bunch of quitters. Perhaps I’ve been influenced by Thomas Jefferson a bit much. Kicking your arms and legs for 22hrs takes a lot of stamina. I at least hope they changed the song the guys were dancing to. It’s bad enough dancing for 22hrs straight, but could you imagine dancing for 22hrs straight while listening to Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy.” Yes that would have been impossible in 1926, as those crazy Brits weren’t around in 1926, but there may have been a ‘26 equivalent. You know a song that’s kind of fun the first time you hear it, but listening to it more than three times in a row could cause severe auditory damage. You’re too sexy for your shirt. We get it. You weren’t too sexy to stop these guys from dancing though. I mean you wouldn’t have been able to stop these guys from dancing even had you been a Roaring 20’s version of Right Said Fred singing “I’m Too Swinging Sexy.” Because sometimes the dancing cannot be stopped.

This day has been Marked.


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