FEBRUARY 19th - Good Investments are Good Too

On this day last year, Facebook bought WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. Being that I’d never heard of WhatsApp, or used it, or heard of other people using it, 19 billion dollars seemed a bit excessive to me. You could buy like all the teams in all the sports for 19 billion dollars. Maybe not all the teams, but close. You could probably have yourself cloned for 19 billion dollars. For 19 billion dollars you could make yourself the star of every new Star Wars movie (and probably retroactively plug yourself into all the old ones). You could commission a Neuralizer from Men in Black and wipe peoples' memories for fun. You could have your face added to Mt. Rushmore and have every history teacher in the country have to say, “And that’s Bob. He wasn’t a revered President, but he did have 19 billion dollars.” Or you could buy the largest internet messaging service because apparently the kids these days think text messages take too long or cost too much or whatever. And social media is all about the kids these days. Plus Zuckerberg and company have done pretty well with this whole acquiring apps and companies and what not. Instagram worked out pretty well. But with 19 billion dollars you could probably buy the moon. Maybe not the whole moon. But at least the Sea of Tranquility. And how cool would owning the Sea of Tranquility be? Good investments are good too, I guess.

This day has been Marked.


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