FEBRUARY 13th - Fingers Crossed

On this day in 1992, Jose Canseco got into a bit of an argument with his then-wife Esther. No big deal, right? Arguments happen. You leave the toilet seat up or you notice your girlfriend’s friend a little too much or you forget a birthday or anniversary. Dates are hard to keep track of. At least they were until Facebook. I mean how is one supposed to remember the date of a first kiss or when things got serious or when you were proposed to when he has all these really important sports statistics ruminating around in the recall cortex of the brain ready to be spit out when somebody asks how many rushing yards Barry Sanders had for his career (15,269). If a date is that important, you could at least make a jingle with it. Columbus sailed the ocean blue style (1492). Or you could try to convince me that the date holds the same historical significance of the Magna Carta (1215). Of course all of this is moot, if you’re on Facebook. At least for birthdays. I am constantly reminded of when all my friends were born. I don’t wish them Happy Birthday anymore though, because I’m not happy they have gotten closer to dying. Morbid much? But anyway, Jose and Esther probably weren’t even fighting over a date. Esther probably found out homeboy was juicing more than a Smoothie King employee located next to a gym in South Beach--extra protein please--and called his cheating ass on it. Even this wouldn’t be noteworthy, except that Jose won the argument by ramming his Porsche into Esther’s BMW twice, running her off the road. Excessive much, Jose? The only possible defense I can give is that Ben Affleck’s seminal work in the The Aaron Henry Story on HBO still had two years before it came out notifying people everywhere about the dangers of steroids and mood swings and pretty much squashing their usage in competitive sports. Except for that whole McGwire-Sosa year. And Bonds, though that was never proven. And A-Rod. And A-Rod again. And Lattimore in The Program. In any case, Canseco was arrested and punished so harshly that all major professional athletes realized that violence toward women would not be tolerated. Except for that didn’t happen. At all. But Ben Affleck was just in Gone Girl, and although that movie might not be the best in stopping domestic violence it does have Ben Affleck...so fingers crossed

**Since I'm guessing that Gone Girl won't have much of an effect despite starring Ben Affleck, I'm posting this video again, because I think it might:

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