FEBRUARY 12th - 47 Goals is What Level of Crazy?

On this day in 1949, the Canadian Ice Hockey Team beat Denmark’s team 47 - 0 in the opening round of the World Ice Hockey Championships. I’ve written about blowout wins before, but this is pretty crazy. Canada does like hockey a lot, I think they squeeze maple syrup out little puck dispensers up there, so that they won handily could not have been much of a surprise. But 47 goals is still crazy. I just can’t decide how crazy. Probably not as crazy as Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, but possibly a bit crazier than Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison. Somewhere in that zone there. And I’ve expounded on the morality of running up the scores before, but this time I have more of a problem with the number of goals. 47. That’s three away from an even 50. In for a penny, in for a pound at that point. Go big or go home. Not that 47 isn't going big, but come on. Go ahead and make it an even number at least, Canadians. You had to be scoring at will. Did Denmark even have a goalie? Just 3 more goals. Then you could have gotten to Anthony-Perkins-as-Norman-Bates-in-Psycho-level crazy. Ree, ree, ree.

This day has been Marked.


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