JANUARY 8th - Never Serve Bad Sushi

On this day in 1992, George H. W. Bush puked on the Japanese Prime Minister. I’m tempted to just leave it there. I would have loved if the broadcast of it had been so cryptic and short. “Breaking News--President Bush barfed on the Japanese Prime Minister. Now back to Seinfeld.” How great would that have been? People would have been like what the hell? It would have been like the ending of The Sopranos, which I know pissed a lot of you off, but which I have come to appreciate as one the best endings to a show ever (and it also kind of pissed me off). But being that this did type of coverage of the Japan Puke did not actually happen and all of you diligent readers would just look up the reasoning behind said puking, I’ll give the real story. Someone dosed G.H.W. with PCP. I’m kidding. He had bad sushi and got nauseous. And of course the comedians caught wind of this and had a field day (SNL skit). One self-proclaimed jokester decided to play a prank on the nation and called CNN posing as Bush’s physician and told them the President was dead. They almost aired the story, which makes me more angry at CNN than the practical joker. In any case, the Secret Service didn’t find the joke funny and questioned the guy in a private medical facility. Not the pay off he was looking for, I'll bet. Seriously though, I’m not sure how this is Bush’s fault at all. They gave the dude bad sushi. That’s like the worst bad food you can give to somebody. Okay, probably not the worst. Bad chicken. Or really bad beef. Like Mad Cow bad. But after that. It’s totally bad sushi. Totally. So, if you take away anything from today’s Marking, it should be never serve bad sushi. That and don’t prank the country about the death of a President.

I think this blog may save lives.

This day has been Marked.


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