JANUARY 27th - You Get the Pciture

On this day in 1984, The King of Pop, Michael Jackson’s hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial. Jackson was probably the biggest star in the world at the time, but that didn’t make his hair fireproof. The burns may have been more severe than people thought too, as it is thought that MJ got addicted to pain meds at this time, and it was revealed after his death that he wore a wig because much of his scalp was burned and his hair would not grow. It’s crazy how life can turn in the blink of an eye like. I’m not saying that the burning hair incident is solely responsible for making Michael into the very strange star he turned into, but it very well may have started him on the path to messing with his appearance. You ever see that picture Ebony Magazine produced in the 80’s of what MJ would look like in his 50’s? They were way off, as you may imagine. You just never know when a pyro tech is gonna push the button a little too soon, and poof goes your hair. So to speak. Doesn’t mean you give up. I mean MJ had some pretty big records after 84. He was pretty "Bad." Sometimes it was as if he were a "Smooth Criminal" who could make the most wholesome of girls feel like a "Dirty Diana" with his sick beats. I could continue on into "Dangerous," but I think you get the picture. So just remember, if life ever gives you an obstacle, a little hiccup like embarrassing yourself when trying to ask out the hottest girl in high school even though she doesn’t know you exist and you have no indication that you have anything in common but you ask anyway because damn it you are cooler than the douche she dates even though he is captain of the football team, runs a 4-minute mile, and can recite Shakespeare, or it is something more serious, like your freaking hair catching fire, sometimes you just have to look at the "Man in the Mirror" and make things happen anyway. Hopefully without the drastically changing appearance or the multiple inquiries of child molestation, but again, you get the picture.

This day has been Marked.


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