JANUARY 16th -- If You Wear a Blue Fox Coat...

On this day in 1981--(though for logistical accuracy it may have happened on the 15th, but it was reported on the 16th), Leon Spinks was mugged and robbed outside a bar in Detroit. He was popped on the head and knocked unconscious, waking up naked in a hotel room at 1pm the next evening. The assailants made off with about $45K worth of clothes, jewelry, and whatever else a former Heavyweight Champion of the world wears out for a night on the town in Detroit, including his very gold and very removable two front teeth. Heavyweight Champs are people, and a bonk on the head can knock any person out. No one will ever say that Leon Spinks was one of the greatest Heavyweight Champs of all time, but he was still a Heavyweight Champ. He beat Ali. A severely washed up Ali. But still. He was a bad enough man that he could wear a blue fox coat out. Or at least he thought he was bad enough to wear a blue fox coat. The guys that jumped him apparently didn’t think so. They could have left the dude his teeth though. I mean it’s bad enough being a notable boxer and getting knocked out by civilians on the street, but then you wake up naked with your teeth missing. That’s a tad humiliating. Guess it could have been worse. Could have woken up in the hotel bathtub with a kidney missing. Or he could have gone the way of all the blue foxes he was wearing. So I guess I’m just warning you, that if you wear a blue fox coat you better be badder than Leon Spinks. You better be freaking Badman.

This day has been Marked.


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