JANUARY 15th - Kanye is no Triple H

On this day in 1797, John Hetherington wore a top hat. Today, I wore a New Orleans Pelicans hat. The difference is that I was not the 1st person to ever wear a New Orleans Pelicans hat, and my wearing that hat did not cause a riot. Although the story is saturated in skepticism and mired with legend, apparently Haberdasher Homeboy Hetherington (Triple H) walked out in public wearing his top hat, and a riot broke out. Babies cried. Women screamed. Panic ensued. For all I know maybe Triple H just scared a newspaper man who exaggerated the story a wee bit. But if not, if there is even a morsel of truth to the tale, Kanye has gotta be pissed. Has Mr. Yeezus ever caused a riot wearing any of his ridiculous outfits? I think not. And he is the Steve Jobs of fashion. It’s not like his style is avant-garde, or even trendsetting, and while he very well could be a musical genius, when he opens his mouth, my head hurts. The egotistical garbage is too much. His biggest regret is that he will never be able to see himself perform live? Books are too wordy? Granted he also said you can only believe 90% of what he says, before he scratched that to say you shouldn't believe anything he says because he’s probably messing, so maybe he's more Andy Kaufman than egomaniacal. Now if he had ever started a riot simply by wearing an article of clothing that made him appear taller, I’d be okay with whatever he said. I'd be like, “Go head, Kanye. Do you. Don’t read history, make it.” I would even agree with him that fur pillows are too hard to sleep on. But Kanye West is no Triple H (the top hat guy, not the wrestler), so I’d like him more if he just shut up and rapped. But you can’t tell him nothing.

This day has been Marked.


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