DECEMBER 26th - Dude Just Kept Fighting

On this day in 1902, Oscar "Battling" Nelson fought Christy Williams at Hot Springs in Arkansas. The fight was noteworthy because, similar to the machismo-filled psychology of “A Boy Named Sue,” this one poor bastard was named Christy by his father. But more so than having an apparent clairvoyant Johnny Cash fan naming one of the fighters, this particular boxing match was epic because there were 51 knockdowns that occurred. 51. As in how many states the US would have if they ratified Puerto Rico or conquered Canada and made it one big state. Williams knocked down Nelson 9 times, which would be pretty damn good for your average fight. But Nelson knocked down Williams 42 times before finally KOing him in the 17th round. 42 times. As in the number that according to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is the answer to the meaning of life. Or the number no one is allowed to wear in baseball because Jackie Robinson was a badass. Or the number of National Championships Alabama claims in college football. A lot. I’m not sure what is more impressive, knocking someone down 42 times or getting up 41 times. Of course Thomas Jefferson was not impressed by either feat. But then TJ once saw a live action retelling of Don Quixote in which the actor somehow demolished a real windmill with his lance. One blow. Just knocked the whole thing to rubble. “Not a big fan of improv,” was all TJ said. For those not having such high standards by which to get impressed, I have to give Christy the edge here. Battling Nelson was a tough guy. He once lost a fight that went 42 rounds on a foul punch, so he waited two years for a rematch and knocked the guy out in the 17th. But getting off the canvas 41 times is damn tough. Dude just kept fighting. And it was all due to his SOB father that named him Sue. I mean Christy.

This day has been Marked.


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