DECEMBER 16th - Similarities Abound

(Babar gets it).

What do Shannen Doherty and Larry King have in common? I’m sure there are a few things, but one of them is that December 16th was a stopping point for both of them. On this day in 1993 Shannen got the boot from 90210, and in 2010 Larry taped his last episode of Larry King Live. Of course there were vastly different reasons for these occurrences. People were tired of working with Shannen because she was difficult and rumored to be abusing drugs. Larry was tired of working with people because he was ancient and being that nice on camera really takes a toll. I’ll bet he was cursing out little babies by the end of his run. Shannen’s pictorial in Playboy was also supposedly a no-go with the show execs, while there’s a possibility Larry retired to use pictorials in Playboy to find his 8th wife. The point is that two titans of television overlapped like ships passing in the night. If that night were actually two nights, and if those two nights occurred 17 years apart, and those ships were in the same vast ocean but on vastly divergent paths making it figuratively impossible for either to be visible to the other. But they were both ships. And they both either got fired or retired on this day. Similarities abound, just like in life. Everybody can find some type of common ground if enough effort is spent. Maybe it’s something small like a favorite TV show or maybe it’s something big like your perception of the universe. Or maybe it’s just a common date that means something to you and a random person that you happen to share breathing space with one random Tuesday afternoon. Like if Larry King and Shannen Doherty ever found themselves in the same line at a quaint little coffee shop, one of them could be like, “Hey you know we both ceased working on December 16th. Pretty wild.” My guess is it’d be Larry, because apparently Shannen isn’t much of a people person. But then again, Shannen’s 43 now. That’s bit too old for Larry to be wasting his game on.

This day has been Marked.


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