NOVEMBER 21st - Only if it Impresses Scar Jo

On this day in 1871, Emilio Onra was shot out of a cannon becoming the first human cannonball in history. What on earth would possess him to wish to attain this feat is beyond me. I can understand skydiving and bungee jumping, though I would need liquid courage, a hefty bribe, and the knowledge that it would impress Scarlett Johansson before attempting either. But shooting one’s self out of a cannon? Not really seeing the upside there. I’m sure there is some skill involved, but it seems negligible compared to funambulism. (Nik Wallenda, you got me again, you tightrope walking bastard.) Not that bungee jumping or skydiving require a PhD, but neither involves the propulsion out of a cannon. Don’t even get Thomas Jefferson started on it. “Hogwash and poppycock,” he’d call it. “Cannons are for killing Redcoats not shooting tiny men into the air.” But then TJ once saw a frontiersman build a log house in a day using only his hands and was not impressed in the slightest. “Bet it’s gonna be drafty in there,” was all TJ mustered up. Despite TJ’s take, I do think you have to credit Onra for having balls of steel, which may have proved beneficial with the shooting out of a cannon and whatnot. And whatever his mental capabilities, I would think it takes a rather unique individual to agree to be shot out of cannon. Or maybe he just had some liquid courage, a hefty bribe, and Scarlett Johansson’s admiration. She’s timeless, that Scar Jo.

This day has been Marked.


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