NOVEMBER 18th - Big Head Can Get You Dead

This day in 1307 is thought to be the date that William Tell shot an apple off his son’s head. The story goes that Tell refused to bow to a hat that Albrecht Gessler, the newly appointed Austrian Vogt or overlord of Altdorf, Switzerland had placed on a pole in the center of town, requiring all to bow to the authority of the hat. Gessler obviously didn’t have an ego issues. But anyway, Tell was known for being pretty handy with a crossbow, so Gessler set up this whole shoot-an-apple-off-your-kid punishment or you and sonny-boy will be executed. Crackshot Willie, did that no problem, though I do wonder if his son, Walter, urinated himself. Arrow flying at your head...aim high Dad. Aim high. But keen eye that Gessler had, he noticed that Tell had drawn more than one bolt from his quiver and was none-to-pleased to find out that the second one was meant for his heart had William injured Walter. At this point I’d like to point how much of an ass this Gessler guy seemed to be. I mean if you are going to be evil that is one thing. The whole bowing to a hat on a stick shtick seems a bit much and rather vague. Get a freaking statue made man. Have some self-respect. But being evil and stupid. Bad form. Maybe you should have taken away the other bolts you dunce. What did you think he would do if had hurt his child and had quiver full of deadly weapons at his disposal? All of this brings me to the conclusion that idiots have worked for the government for a really long time. Gessler’s stupidity, which is basically the equivalent of a car thief having the audacity to park his new ride in his driveway without changing the license plate or getting a paint job, eventually cost him his life. Tell’s second bolt eventually found its mark, and he led the Swiss to a revolt of their Austrian rulers. Of course all of this could have been avoided if Gessler (in apparent contrast to Walter Tell) hadn’t had such a big head.

This day has been Marked.


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