NOVEMBER 11th - Mary and The Veterans

On this day in 1865, Mary Edward Walker, the 1st female surgeon in the Army, was awarded the Medal of Honor for her work with Union Army in the Civil War. Walker was captured by the Confederates after crossing enemy lines to care for the injured. Pretty amazing, especially considering that she volunteered even though she had to start as nurse because of her gender despite her knowledge and skill as a doctor. Then in 1917, the Army Medal of Honor Board deleted 911 names from the Army Medal of Honor Roll after changing its eligibility rules, making Mary Edwards Walker one of the casualties. Did I mention that she was the only woman on that list? Her medal was restored in 1977, almost sixty years after her death. Might just be me, but I would think that Medals of Honor should only be revoked in extreme cases. Like if it turned out instead of saving 30 civilians during a battle, the recipient actually killed them. Good reason to revoke that Medal. But otherwise? I can understand changing criteria, but shouldn’t those people be grandfathered in? Besides the point, really, because it isn’t only those with medals who have honor and courage. So on the Veteran’s Day, I salute Ms. Walker, who is still the only woman to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Because courage is not sexist. Honor is not racist. Neither honor or courage cares about IQ or physical characteristics. The myriad of people who have served this country from numerous different background, helping to protect the ideals upon which America was founded many years ago, prove this. Mary Edward Walker was one of them.

So Happy Veterans Day, and special thank you to all those who have served.

This day has been Marked.


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