NOVEMBER 10th - Leave Dueling to the Immortals

On this day in 1801, the fine state of Kentucky outlawed dueling. I won’t comment on whether this should have happened sooner or later, but I think we can agree that when it comes to conflict resolution dueling is probably not the most constructive way to go about solving one’s problems. I like to win arguments as much as, possibly more than, the next person, but the whole winding up stabbed or shot? Not really for me. Probably not for you either, unless you are Duncan or Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod, meaning you are immortal--and have incredible hair. For everyone else, I guess it would make people more discerning if they were in a disagreement. Oh, this is Timmy Blackburn? He’s nearly blind in his right eye, I can get prettay nasty with the Yo Mama jokes without fear of death. But honestly, the only people who should settle their arguments with duels are the group of Immortals that populate the fictional universe of Highlander--the movie or the TV show. Because there can be only one. Everybody else, should keep the gloves in their pockets and use their words. Or maybe a more creative resolution? A game of horseshoes perhaps? Nobody dies playing horseshoes. Unless they start throwing them at each others' heads. But you can’t do that. At least not in Kentucky. Been illegal since 1801.

This day has been Marked.


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