OCTOBER 31st - Things Get Dark. Things Brighten Up.

On this day in 1992, Don Kellner jumped out of a plane for the 18,000th time. That’s a lot of times to jump out of anything, much less a plane. In fact, that’s 18,000 more times than I have jumped out of a plane. And of course Don didn’t just stop there. He’s kept jumping out of planes. He got married jumping out of a plane. He conceived his first son while jumping out of a plane. Okay, no he didn’t. That’s going a bit too far, and I’m not even sure it’s physically possible. Patrick Swayze might have been able to accomplish it while filming Point Break as the incomparable Bodhi, but Patrick Swayze was also Dalton in Road House. Not talking about a mere mortal here. But Kellner currently has skydived (skydove?) over 42,000 times. Obsessed much? It could be the fact that he runs a skydiving school, but I mean he could delegate a bit more. Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t be all too impressed. He’d say that any man who jumps out of plane that many times is mentally unstable and should be sent to a loony bin. Of course, today isn’t the best day to ask for TJ’s opinion, because this day in 1941 was also the day Mt. Rushmore was completed. Except that it wasn’t. They just ran out of money and left all the Presidents as floating heads. You can imagine that TJ was none too pleased. But it was completed enough. I mean if you're comparing things, I’d rather semi-complete a mountain sculpture of great past Presidents than semi-complete skydiving. “You know, I’ve got the jumping out part down pat, but the whole opening the parachute before Jackson Pollocking my brains on the ground? Didn’t quite get that part. And I can’t fix that now. Cause I’m dead.”

Wow. Things got dark.

Happy Halloween! Consider going as Don Kellner Base-Jumping off of Thomas Jefferson’s Mt. Rushmore head. Close to a dozen people will know what you're attempting. Or you could save it for next year, after this blog goes global when Jimmy Kimmel reads an excerpt on TV. MarkedThisDay Worldwide.

Things brighten up.

This day has been Marked.


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