OCTOBER 30th - Clocking In

On this day in 1894, Daniel M. Cooper received a patent for his time clock which was the first to use a card to accurately record the time a worker punched in and out. Now I realize that America was founded on the hardworking ideals of millions of immigrants who came to the New Country searching for opportunity and freedom. But America also has a rich tradition of scam artists and confidence men, and quite a bit of lazy bastards who wished to abuse that freedom. So while many appreciated Cooper’s advancement, especially the bookkeepers who had tabulate hours and paychecks, I’m sure there were quite a few people who were a tad ticked off. Roger, the functioning alcoholic, who always snuck into work an hour late. Benji, the grifter, who would tell the bossman he worked overtime despite the fact he was actually visiting underground casinos. Cooper’s Rochester Recorder made all that a little more difficult. But again, much of this country is and was a bunch of hardworking Joes, and this invention only made their lives easier. Everything was there in black and white. The thing about Benji and Roger though, is that they always find a way. You know, like that guy who spends ten times the amount of effort circumventing the system than he would if he just did his work. Roger would just get his good pal Chuckie to punch his card. Benji, would come in, punch his card then disappear. Simple enough. But scams often are. And they’ll always be out there. People steal identities and file tax returns. Takes little effort. I mean I can admire the master thief that has to contort through laser beams to steal precious jewels, mainly because it makes me think of Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment and thinking about Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment is a fun thing to think about, but when the grift takes no ingenuity at all? That’s just sad. I mean even Roger had to do a some talking and bribing to get Chuckie to punch that card. But these days...In any case, shout-out to Daniel M. Cooper, keeping tabs on your hours since 1894. Unless you were a Roger or a Benji.

This day has been Marked.


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