OCTOBER 2nd - Dating Space

On this day in 1984, Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solovyov, and Oleg Atkov returned to earth after spending a then-record 237 days in space. I don't know much about these three Russians other than that Kizim was the mission commander and Atkov was a cardiologist and thus would prefer to be noted as Dr. Atkov. I also know it is almost impossible to say their names aloud without doing so in a Russian accent while imagining they are Bond villains. Other than that, they are just as anonymous as you, dear reader. And being that I’ve never talked to anyone who has been in outer space--I have seen Gravity, Apollo 13, and Armageddon--I’ve been left to imagine what 237 days in space would be like. And I think it would be like a relationship with that beautiful exotic person you’ve been chasing after for an indeterminate amount of time. At first you’re all like, Yes! Space is awesome. She’s so cool and exotic. She’s smart. Space has seen a lot of things. She seems independent, and you think this will be the most exciting relationship you'll ever have. The first couple of months move along swimmingly. Space is so beautiful, and you see a new side to her everyday. Slowly though, you start noticing that Space doesn’t seem to listen to you. In fact, she doesn’t seem to pay attention to you at all. But she is beautiful. So beautiful. But gradually you start to feel insignificant when you’re with Space. You’ll try to talk to Space but realize you can’t even hear your own words. You still see different sides to her, but it’s all starting to blend together. You can’t escape her. She’s always there. You wouldn’t really call her clingy, because she doesn’t need you. She’s just there always. And you start wishing for just a little time away from Space. You’ve heard things about her sister Sky and her cousin Water who are apparently more well-adjusted. But every now again Space will show you a different side of herself. A distant asteroid field or the earth or moon in a different light, so you hold out hope. But closing in on 8 months you realize this isn’t going to work. Space is beautiful, but she’s all encompassing. She won’t let you talk to your other friends and she restricts your diet. Your life has boiled down to rote procedures and mind-numbing monotony. So you finally call it off and look for someone a bit more down to earth. You appreciate your time with Space and you look back on her with fondness and remember how you spent months beneath stars, learning from each other and growing in love. Damn it. I’m quoting The Notebook again. Anyway, that’s what I think being in space for 237 days would be like. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe it’s like doing acid with David Bowie. Ground control to Major Tom.

This day has been Marked.


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