OCTOBER 29th - 00Bic

On this day in 1945, Gimbel’s Department Store in New York City 1st sold the Reynold’s Rocket, a ballpoint pen developed by Milton Reynolds. The pen was widely popular at first and sold more than $100,000 worth on that first day. However, this wasn’t just a simple case of Reynold’s developing a very usable tool that satisfied consumer-demand. In fact, the tale of the ballpoint pen reads a bit more like a Bond flick than you would ever think. The first patent was filed way back in the 1880’s, by John Loud, but his pen had some snags leaving production quiet. Then the Biros, some brothers from Argentina, improved upon it before selling the rights to the Eversharp Company. Still the pen had flaws. Then homeboy Reynolds was vacationing in Argentina, saw the pen those Biro dudes made, and was like I got this, not really caring about the patents or the kinks because some of the patents had expired and he didn’t have time for all the legal nonsense or kinks anyway. He manufactured the pen and put it out on the market before Eversharp, and he became moderately wealthy because of it. But then the son of Eversharp’s President had a freak accident while visiting a manufacturer's plant and he lost a good portion of his hand. He blamed Reynold’s for the mishap, because the company had gone into to overdrive trying to get their own product on the shelves. So this kid built a prosthetic hand out of stainless steel ballpoint pens, called himself “The Mighty Pen,” and went on a revenge-laden killing spree of all of Reynold’s upper-level employees and family. Fearing for his life, Reynolds reached out to Marcel Bich, a French penholder and case manufacturer, who agreed to help Reynolds if Reynolds would get out the pen game. Reynolds agreed, and Bich had “The Mighty Pen” neutralized (no one knows how, but rumors persist that he encased the Pen’s hand in locked carbonite) and then vowed to make the ballpoint pen affordable and kink-free. He went back to the Biro brothers to work out the flaws-giving a percentage to the rightful inventors. And that his how Bic pens became popular. Told you it was Bond-like. Maybe one day I’ll tell you how Bic lighters cornered the market.

*I may have taken a bit of creative license. The real story was basically the same minus the whole Mighty Pen killing spree.

This day has been Marked.


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