OCTOBER 15th - With Advice and Beards, Discernment is Key

Keeping with the dead Presidents on Mt. Rushmore theme, on this day in 1860, 11 year-old Grace Bedell wrote Republican Presidential Nominee Mr. Abraham Lincoln to politely inform him that his super thin face would benefit greatly from some “whiskers.” I hope that Lincoln didn’t frequently turn to juveniles for advice, but everybody has a little wisdom to depart if you have a discerning ear. The guy living under the overpass panhandling for money could tell you that mixing Purple Drank and crystal meth is not very conducive to a successful life. That’s a feather for your cap if I’ve ever heard one. But people can give bad advice too. “Yes, the pretty lady with bitchy-resting face totally wants you to go talk to her,” comes to mind. “Just take another shot”-- usually not a good idea. “Listen to everything David Koresh says. He’ll never steer you wrong.” Winner. Winner. I just hope Honest Abe was never given this little tidbit: “Abe, you need to relax. You should take a load off and take in the play tonight.” Ouch. Lincoln did take little Grace’s advice though, and while I’m not prepared to say he became President because of his beard, I do know that he did not not become President because of his beard. Interesting things beards are. Just like the advice you take, you have to be discerning with beards. They look so natural on some people, but on others they seem to instantly make their teeth fall out. Whatever the case, the whiskers worked for Abe despite the fact that he was known as Honest Abe and a beard is just a way to lie about what your face really looks like. Abe rocked the chinstrap though, which is quite difficult to pull off and yet still allows full lip view leaving the overall authenticity of one’s facial structure in tact. But I wouldn’t recommend it for just anyone. We’re talking about a guy who could pull of the Top Hat here. Again discernment is key. When it comes to taking advice and beards use your best judgement. Like Abe. Trust me. I would never offer you bad advice.

This day has been Marked.

(This guy should have kept his beard.)


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