OCTOBER 14th - That's How Rough Riders Roll

Do you think yourself a tough person? Toughness is manifested in different ways and often has nothing to do with physical strength or the endurance to withstand physical pain. For instance standing up to that bully in middle school who wanted throw pepperoni at Stevie Whitcomb during lunch because Stevie Whitcomb was unfortunate enough to develop a severe case of acne in 7th grade--that’s toughness. But toughness also has to do with the physical. On this day in 1912, Bull Moose Presidential Candidate Teddy Roosevelt demonstrated this while campaigning in Milwaukee. Most of you know that Teddy was tough. Rough Riders. Walk softly, carry a big stick and all that. But on this day President Badass got shot in the chest at close range by John Schrank who was angry President Badass was seeking a third term. Now Roosevelt had some padding. A thick coat. A glasses case. And the manuscript of the speech he was giving. The bullet had to pass through all that. And it did. But it was slowed down enough that piercing through Roosevelt’s rhino-hide skin all the way to his heart proved too daunting a task for that measly bullet. Now most normal people would postpone the speech and get the bullet removed from their chest. Very sensible way to handle the situation. But President Badass wasn't sensible. He was badass. Roosevelt gave his hour-long speech with the bullet still lodged in his chest, exclaiming that it took “more than a bullet to kill a Bull Moose.” Now that’s tough. But then what do you expect from President Badass. That’s how Rough Riders roll. Shut ‘em down. Open up shop.

This day has been Marked.


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