SEPTEMBER 3rd - This Day Never Happened

This day in 1752 never happened. Neither did the day the after that. Or the day after that. Day after that? Didn’t happen. Had a birthday on Sept. 9th, 1752. Oh, no you didn’t. Day did not happen. Picking up a pattern here? You see, England finally decided to conform to the Gregorian Calendar in 1752 and had to make some days poof-disappear for that to happen. So when people went to sleep on September 2nd they woke up on September 14th. But time, my friends, is a precious commodity. You can never get enough of it. Unless you’re being tortured or watching a documentary on curling featuring three hours of in-game footage, which in some circles may be considered torture. Or if you’re stranded on a desert island with only a volleyball as a companion. In those cases you want time to zip on by. For the most part though, people want all the time they get. The British of 1752 obviously felt the same way because they didn’t take to kindly to losing 11 days. In fact, they went all damn-the-man, you-can’t-steal-time-from-me, and hit the streets in riotous fashion. They thought the whole thing was a government conspiracy to steal time from them. And time is money. And if you mess with people’s money they tend to do crazy things like get riotous. So takeaways from a day that didn’t happen? Don’t mess with people’s time because time is money and if you simply evaporate time you evaporate money. And people don’t like that. But of course no one actually learned that on this day in 1752 because this day never happened.

This day has been Marked.


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